Q&A with Vaanya Sharma
July 23, 2024
Wondering what it’s like to be a Youth Ambassador? We recently spoke with Vaanya, a rising junior and returning Youth Ambassador member about her experience in the program.
Discovery Center: Tell us about your first year in YAP – was there anything that stood out to you?
Vaanya: My first year in YAP greatly helped me enhance my awareness and understanding of the global issues and the need to promote youth action/participation in order to solve local and global issues. Gates Foundation staff inspired me to take my learnings forward on several advocacy projects that focus on youth education and sustainability. My favorite part during the early days was building connections with all the teens around me through fun games and scavenger hunts.
Discovery Center: How has the Youth Ambassador experience impacted other parts of your life and education?
Vaanya: To continue taking my learnings from YAP forward, I started an after-school environmental impact club and focused on educating elementary students about the Sustainable Development Goals goals and climate literacy. Our club’s mission is to “Educate, Empower, and Expand” climate literacy in our school district and community.
Our members doubled in less than a year, and we were invited to share our work with external organizations as well. Our teachers, peer students, and other families encouraged us to expand our efforts to all elementary, middle, and high schools in the Bellevue School District (BSD). BSD also became the first school district in Washington state last year to adopt a sustainability policy (Policy 6811), and I feel fortunate to be chosen to help our school board design the strongest possible 3-5 year implementation plan.
Discovery Center: What advice do you have for other teens thinking about getting involved?
Vaanya: Don’t be afraid of taking the first step even when you are not sure if there will be a meaningful outcome. Engaging in causes and areas that genuinely interest you will not only guide your efforts but also provide meaning in your actions and passions.